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Marcel Brader – “Identification versus demarcation and resilience”

14. October 2024

We hear it again and again. Identification with one’s own company is taken for granted and is an important prerequisite for mastering one’s work with passion and joy on a daily basis.

But is there such a thing as too much identification, over-identification? This can lead to people identifying too strongly with their job and their professional performance, which can have an impact on their health. The result can be workaholism and burn-out is not far away.

It is a fine line between identification and demarcation. And today’s world of work and its forms of work do not help to create boundaries. The modern world of work with its omnipresent VUCA model (volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity) is overwhelming people in many ways, and working from home is increasingly blurring the boundaries between work and leisure. People work longer hours, sit down at their laptops after dinner with the family and continue working. Or you check your e-mails on your cell phone. And not just Monday to Friday, but also at weekends. Nowadays, we are available 24/7/365 and online.

There is less and less time to mentally switch off and disconnect. And so we don’t notice how we are increasingly drifting into a maelstrom of stress and self-exploitation. Everyone is primarily responsible for themselves and their mental and physical health. And this is precisely where resilience is a fundamentally important factor. A high level of adaptability and strong resilience help us to cope better with stress, conflicts, changes and the many challenges we face. It is helpful to be aware of the 7 pillars of resilience.

1. Optimism

Do I have a positive view of the world? Is my glass half full or half empty?

2. Acceptance

Do I accept things that cannot be changed and can I put up with them? It helps to react calmly to adverse circumstances.

3. Solution orientation

Do I go round in circles 10 times with a problem or do I look for possible courses of action and solutions to my problem?

4. Attachment/networks

A strong, stable social and professional network helps to cushion negative situations. If I am well embedded socially, I can survive crises better than people who are isolated and alone.

5. Get out of the victim role

Do I passively surrender to life or do I face it actively and ready to act?

6. Take responsibility

If I see myself as an agent in my own life, i.e. if I take responsibility for myself and my actions, I can act autonomously and independently even in difficult situations.

7. Positive planning for the future

I look ahead and develop plans, goals and visions so that I have joy and reasons to get up every morning and shape my day positively.

In conclusion, you should be aware that being resilient does not mean that you never experience stress, emotionally difficult moments or suffering, it means having the ability to process painful and distressing moments and experiences and learn from them.

HR Unlimited AG is an owner-managed company specializing in interim management based in Glattpark Opfikon, Switzerland, and has been offering such assignments in Switzerland and abroad since2002. HR Unlimited AG is Andreas Biel, Tanja Biel, Balz Schlittler, Marcel Brader, Christian Hobi, Martin Hegglin, Christoph Müller, Andreas Gnepf, Gramoz Lekaj, Guido Hediger, Benjamin Roth, Kadir Kirmizitas, Natalia Minnig, Fabian Feller and a large, qualified pool of personally trusted interim managers.