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Balz Schlittler


Balz has been part of the HR Unlimited team and co-owner since 2014. He is married to Gabriela and father of an adult daughter. In his free time, he finds variety in nature and sports as well as in cozy get-togethers with family and friends.

Balz completed a basic technical training and then did some military service. As a recruiter and later as a division HR manager, he learned and consolidated the HR craft. For many years he then worked as Head of Human Resources for a large food logistics and retail group, before spending a few more years in the same position for an electrical engineering group. In parallel, he completed further training in Human Resources and Labor Law at the IAP and the ZHAW. Balz’s clients describe him as a very accomplished and experienced HR manager and as a good observer with great knowledge of human nature. He works efficiently and communicates clearly and transparently with all partners. He takes responsibility and makes pragmatic and solution-oriented decisions. In crisis situations, he focuses on the essentials in order to make rapid progress and gain room for maneuver.


Mechanical Engineering / Special Machinery, FMCG, Electrical Engineering, Telecommunications Infrastructure, Technical Facility Management, Building Automation, Telematics, IT, Food Logistics, Retail Trade (food/non-food), Food Wholesale, Strategic Purchasing, Live Marketing.

Interim functions

Head of HR, HR Business Partner, Project Manager, Recruiter, etc.
Highly experienced Senior HR Executive Manager with long operational experience, also at executive level in many industries. Specialized in interim assignments in challenging situations with leadership and/or project challenges. Success in bridging mandates, restructurings, change management projects etc.